class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide .title[ # Instrumental Variables and Matching ] .subtitle[ ## EDLD 650: Week 7 ] .author[ ### David D. Liebowitz ] --- <style type="text/css"> .inverse { background-color : #2293bf; } </style> # Agenda ### 1. Roadmap and goals (9:00-9:10) ### 2. The Kim et al paper and DARE #3 (9:10-10:20) ### 3. Break (10:20-10:30) ### 4. Matching (10:30-11:35) ### 5. Wrap-up (11:35-11:50) - To-dos and Plus/deltas --- # Roadmap <img src="causal_id.jpg" width="1707" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Goals ### 1. Conduct IV analysis in simplified data and interpret results ### 2. Assess basic assumptions of IV design in an experimental setting with imperfect compliance ### 3. Describe the conceptual approach of using selection on observables to defend causal inferences about the effects of a treatment --- class: middle, inverse # Class 7 Discussion Questions --- # DARE-d to do it! Student examples in class... --- class: middle, inverse # Break --- class: middle, inverse # Matching --- ## Core causal inference challenge ### What is basic problem of drawing causal inferences from non-experimental (observational) data or data from a non-random subset within an experiment? -- 1. Treatment and non treatment groups are not .blue[*equal in expectation*], so it is difficult to claim .blue[*variation in treatment condition*] is driving .blue[*observed differences in outcomes*] 2. Sample is .blue[*no longer representative*] of the population (as originally defined) -- `\(\rightarrow\)` .red[**Biased estimate of treatment effect**] -- Up until now, we have relied on being able to find an arguably .blue[*exogenous*] source of variation in likelihood of receiving the treatment... -- .red[**but what if we can't find this???!!?**] --- # Selection bias Imagine: outcome `\(Y\)` is a measure of later life success that depends on an earlier education attainment, `\(X\)`; *AND* that this is the actual, causal relationship between X and Y: .pull-left[ **Hypothetical causal relation** <img src="EDLD_650_7_match_1_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-3-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] .pull-right[ **Observed relationship** ] -- .small[ - addition to the true causal relationship between X and Y, society consistently favors one group over another and in-so-doing, constrains some individuals' ability to access higher levels of educational attainment (X) - group of individuals would consistently experience higher levels of attainment (X) *and* later life success (Y) ] --- # Selection bias Imagine: outcome `\(Y\)` is a measure of later life success that depends on an earlier education attainment, `\(X\)`; *AND* that this is the actual, causal relationship between X and Y: .pull-left[ **Hypothetical causal relation** <img src="EDLD_650_7_match_1_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-4-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] .pull-right[ **Observed relationship** <img src="EDLD_650_7_match_1_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-5-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] .small[ - addition to the true causal relationship between X and Y, society consistently favors one group over another and in-so-doing, constrains some individuals' ability to access higher levels of educational attainment (X) - group of individuals would consistently experience higher levels of attainment (X) *and* later life success (Y) ] --- # Selection bias Imagine: outcome `\(Y\)` is a measure of later life success that depends on an earlier education attainment, `\(X\)`; *AND* that this is the actual, causal relationship between X and Y: .pull-left[ **Hypothetical causal relation** <img src="EDLD_650_7_match_1_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-6-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] .pull-right[ **Observed relationship** <img src="EDLD_650_7_match_1_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-7-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] .small[ - however...we would not necessarily observe this constraint or know what this group is, and so we would only observe a .red[*biased*] relationship between X and Y ] --- # A possible solution? **Big idea**: if we were sure we knew that the only factor driving selection into treatment was individuals' membership in this group: - Can ignore overall point cloud and refuse to estimate the biased Y|X slope - Instead, conduct analysis within each subsidiary point clouds + Obtain estimates of treatment effect within each point cloud + Average to obtain overall *unbiased* estimate of treatment effect of more educational attainment -- .pull-left[ **Ignore biased observed relationship** <img src="EDLD_650_7_match_1_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-8-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] .pull-right[ **Estimate treatment effect absent bias** <img src="EDLD_650_7_match_1_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-9-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- # Selection on observables .large[This is the key conceptual basis for approaches such as: **stratification, weighting and matching**. They are used to remove "observed bias" from treatment effects estimated in observational data.] .pull-left[ .small[ - This family of approaches relies on .blue[**selection on observables**] into treatment (*more on this later*) - It is not a magical way of getting causal estimates when you don't have an identification strategy - Like all the other methods we have studied, it requires a deep substantive understanding of why some are treated and others aren't ] ] .pull-right[ <img src="EDLD_650_7_match_1_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-10-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] -- .purple[**Let's take a quick look at how to stratify and generate propensity scores to provide some intuition for what these methods do...**] --- # Stratification <img src="stratification.jpg" width="2436" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> -- .pull-left[ .small[ .blue[**Emerging issues:**] Diminishing sample size within stratum - Imprecise estimates - Reduced power In extreme, group may have no observations in a strata - Lack of common support - Can't estimate treatment effect ] ] .pull-right[ <img src="EDLD_650_7_match_1_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-12-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- # Matching approach The .blue[**conditional independence assumption (CIA)**] ([Rosenbaum & Rubin, 1983]( states that treatment is as-good-as random conditional on a known set of covariates. If .blue["selection on observables"] in fact happens, matching estimators take this literally. The basic idea: estimate a treatment effect only using observations with (nearly?) identical values of `\(\textbf{X}_{i}\)`. The CIA allows us to make a claim about causality within these groups. We match untreated observations to treated observations using `\(\textbf{X}_{i}\)` and calculate the average treatment effect by comparing `\(Y_{i}(1)\)` to outcomes for "matched" untreated individuals `\(Y_{i}(0)\)`. --- # The classic tradeoff <img src="tradeoff.jpg" width="90%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> We want to minimize bias in our estimates by finding a match that most closely approximates each treated unit but we don’t want to overly restrict the definition of matching so as to require excluding too many units or producing a sample that does not reflect our originally defined population. --- # Propensity scores (I) ### Phase I: 1. Investigate the selection process explicitly by fitting a "selection model": - Fit a logistic model, with treatment group membership as outcome, and predictors you believe describe the process of selection explicitly: `$$D_{i} = \frac{1}{1+e^{-\textbf{X}_{i} \theta_{i}}}$$` -- 2. Use selection model to estimate fitted probability of selection into treatment `\((\hat{p})\)` for each participant - Output these “propensity scores” into your dataset - They summarize the probability that each participant will be selected into the treatment, given their values on the covariates. - They are the best non-linear composite of the covariates for describing selection into experimental conditions, given your choice of covariates. --- # Propensity scores (II) ### Phase II: .small[ 1. Stratify the sample using the propensity scores: - Enforce overlap: + Drop control units with `\(\hat{p}\)` below the minimum propensity score in the treatment group + Drop treated units with `\(\hat{p}\)` above the maximum propensity score in the control group - Common rule of thumb: as few as five strata may remove up to 90% of the observed bias 2. Within each stratum, check the balancing condition has been satisfied: - On the propensity scores themselves - On each of the covariates separately 3. If the balancing condition has not been met: - Re-stratify, combining or splitting strata, until balancing condition is met - If this fails, re-specify the selection model (nonlinear terms, interactions?) and start again 4. Once you have achieved balance, estimate treatment effect within each stratum, and average up ] --- # Difference from OLS? .pull-left[ <img src="EDLD_650_7_match_1_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-14-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] .pull-right[ .small[ 1. It's not that different 2. Regression approaches make strong assumptions about the equivalence of treatment effects across different groups (can be solved with interactions or non-parametric approaches)... 3. including groups **for which there is no common support** (a case of predicting outside of data range and cannot be solved for with interactions) 4. Each additional covariate makes additional assumptions about equivalence of effects across groups (results in X-factorial potential interactions) 5. We’ve assumed that errors are homoscedastic across groups and pooled all of that variation to obtain a common standard error ] ] --- # Good/bad candidates? .large[**Remember, the only reason any of this is worth doing is if there is a clear case where (a) selection on the observables has occurred; and (b) the source of the selection can not be modeled via exogenous variation in treatment**] .blue[ With a partner: - Identify 2-3 examples of situations in which selection into treatment or the sample can be addressed via an approach from the matching family - Identify 2-3 examples in which a matching approach would be suspect to persistent bias in estimates ] --- # Two princes <img src="ozzy.png" width="521" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> .footnote[credit: not sure where original is from?] --- # A family affair ### Matching approaches include: - Stratification - Propensity-Score Matching (PSM) + Nearest neighbor (Euclidian or Mahalanobis distance) + Kernel matching + Machine learning assisted matching + Calipers + With or without replacement - Inverse Probability Weighting (IPW) - Coarsened Exact Matching (CEM) - Inexact Matching - Synthetic controls in DD strategies - Doubly-robust (e.g., matching and weighted) estimates - And combinations of these and more… -- ...**the approach matters and requires close attention to procedure** --- ## Strengths/limits of approaches .small[ | Approach | Strengths | Limitations |------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Propensity-score nearest <br> neighbor matching w/ calipers and replacement | - Simulates ideal randomized experiment <br> - Limits dimensionality problem <br> - Calipers restrict poor matches <br> - Replacement takes maximal advantage of available data | - May generate poor matches <br> - Model dependent <br> Lacks transparency; PS in aribtrary units <br> - Potential for bias [(King & Nielsen, 2019)]( | Propensity-score stratification | - Simulates block-randomized experiment <br> - Limits dimensionality problem | - May produce worse matches than NN <br> - Lacks transparency; stratum arbitrary | Inverse probability <br> (PS) matching | - Retains all original sample data <br> - Corrects bias of estimate with greater precision than matching/stratification | - Non-transparent/a-theoretical | Coarsened Exact Matching | - Matching variables can be pre-specified (and pre-registered) <br> - Matching substantively driven <br> - Transparent matching process <br> - Eliminates same bias as propensity score if SOO occurs | - May generate poor matches depending on how coarsened variables are <br> - May lead to discarding large portions of sample ] --- class: middle, inverse # Synthesis and wrap-up --- # Goals ### 1. Conduct IV analysis in simplified data and interpret results ### 2. Assess basic assumptions of IV design in an experimental setting with imperfect compliance ### 3. Describe the conceptual approach of using selection on observables to defend causal inferences about the effects of a treatment --- # Roadmap <img src="causal_id.jpg" width="1707" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # To-Dos ### Week 8: Matching **Readings: ** - Murnane and Willett, Chapter 12 - Diaz & Handa - evaluation of Mexico's PROGRESA program - Additional readings: Cunningham, Ch. 5; Dehejia & Wahba (2002); Iacus, King & Porro (2011); King et al. (2011); King & Nielsen (2019) **Assignments Due** - **DARE 4** (last one!!!) + Due 11:59pm, March 3 - **Final Research Project** + Presentation, March 11 + Paper, March 20 (submit early [March 13] for feedback) --- # Feedback ## Plus/Deltas Front side of index card ## Clear/Murky On back