Setting up project and directory structure

Open your RStudio, create a project and save it. Go to the root directory of the project and create folders named: “Code”, “Data”, “Figures” and “Tables.” Download the life_expectancy.csv dataset and store it in the folder “Data”. Create an R script (or .Rmd) file in the Code folder.

Load relevant packages

# Call one package
## Warning: package 'pacman' was built under R version 4.1.3
# Call multiple packages at once
p_load(tidyverse, here, modelsummary)

Read the data in

df <- read.csv(here("data/life_expectancy.csv"))
# There are other packages to read in data that are much faster and more flexible

Extract cases

df <- filter(df, year == 2015)

Extract variables

df <- df %>% select(country, status, schooling, life_expectancy)

Rename variable

df <- rename(df, region = country)

Create a new variable based on existing one(s)

# Replace existing variable
df <- df %>%  
      mutate(life_expectancy = round(life_expectancy, digits = 0))
# Create a new one
df <- df %>%
      mutate(life2 = life_expectancy * life_expectancy)

Inspect your data

##                region status schooling life_expectancy life2
## 1         Afghanistan      0      10.1              65  4225
## 2             Albania      0      14.2              78  6084
## 3             Algeria      0      14.4              76  5776
## 4              Angola      0      11.4              52  2704
## 5 Antigua and Barbuda      0      13.9              76  5776
## 6           Argentina      0      17.3              76  5776
## 'data.frame':    183 obs. of  5 variables:
##  $ region         : chr  "Afghanistan" "Albania" "Algeria" "Angola" ...
##  $ status         : num  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 ...
##  $ schooling      : num  10.1 14.2 14.4 11.4 13.9 17.3 12.7 20.4 15.9 12.7 ...
##  $ life_expectancy: num  65 78 76 52 76 76 75 83 82 73 ...
##  $ life2          : num  4225 6084 5776 2704 5776 ...

Transform variables, as needed

df$status <- factor(df$status,
                   levels = c(0, 1),
                   labels = c("Developing", "Developed"))

Examine missingness

# One at a time
## [1] 10
# All at once
sapply(df, function(x) sum(
##          region          status       schooling life_expectancy           life2 
##               0               0              10               0               0

Decide on listwise/pairwise deletion

# In this case, we'll use listwise
df <- filter(df, !

Calculate summary statistics

## [1] 71.73988
## [1] 74
## [1] 7.965512
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##   51.00   66.00   74.00   71.74   77.00   88.00
table(df$status, exclude=NULL)
## Developing  Developed 
##        144         29

Visualize variables (categorical)

counts <- table(df$status)

Visualize variables (continuous)



Create descriptive table

desc_df <- select(df, -c(life2))
names(desc_df) <- c("Region", "Status", "Schooling (Yrs)", 
                                  "Life Expectancy (Yrs)")

                 fun_numeric = list(Mean = Mean, SD = SD, Min = Min,
                                    Median = Median, Max = Max))
## Warning: These variables were omitted because they include more than 50 levels:
## Region.
Mean SD Min Median Max
Schooling (Yrs) 12.9 2.9 4.9 13.1 20.4
Life Expectancy (Yrs) 71.7 8.0 51.0 74.0 88.0
Status N %
Developing 144 83.2
Developed 29 16.8

Create descriptive table (categorical only)

datasummary_skim(desc_df, type="categorical")
## Warning: These variables were omitted because they include more than 50 levels:
## Region.
Status N %
Developing 144 83.2
Developed 29 16.8